Letter from the BCB Executive Director

March 24, 2020

Dear BCB Friends,

Like the rest of the world, the COVID-19 virus has interrupted “business as usual” and has sent BCB into change mode. We are rapidly identifying and adapting to the actions needed to keep everyone as safe as possible, while doing all we can to continue to meet the needs of our community. I am so proud of the BCB staff and Board of Directors adjusting to the changes needed, keeping a positive attitude, striving for the best way to continue services while keeping everyone healthy and safe.

Due to the need for social distancing for the upcoming weeks or months, the BCB staff will work from home. Because of this, it may take a bit longer for us to respond to your inquiries and needs, but please know we value you and your needs and want to do all we can to help you during these uncertain times.

We know that connecting with others through this challenging time is very important and we will do our best to keep our members, consumers and community connected and informed. Please know we are working hard and appreciate your patience.

Current Changes:

  1. We will continue to provide intakes, information and referral services, technology consulting and training and many other services, however these will be offered via phone calls and by email. We will not take appointments or offer in-office training until we are advised by health professionals that it is safe to resume in-person meetings.
  2. We plan to offer mentoring meetings, technology seminars, support group meetings and other services using teleconferencing that can be accessed by phone, tablets or computer. These sessions are simple to join, some with just one touch of a button on your tablet or smart phone. BCB will offer an information and training session on this via conference call on April 7th. Please refer to the calendar of events for all dates and times. For those who may need additional assistance with this, we can have a staff member contact you to offer individual instructions and guidance on how to join in the conversation.
  3. As long as we are able, we plan to continue to offer supplemental food distribution on the 4th Wednesday of each month, by delivery, thanks to some wonderful and dedicated board members and volunteers. This service will be by request and available to persons who are blind or have low vision. If you need additional food, please call our office to schedule a time for a volunteer to drop off what we have available. Call 859-259-1834 at least 2 days before the 4th Wednesday and leave a message. We will get back with you as soon as we are able.
  4. We plan to continue publishing the newsletter on the 1st and the Calendar on the 15th of each month. Due to circumstances, please be patient if we are a few days behind.
  5. We have built a wonderful community of caring people who are here to support you. We encourage you to connect with each other and check on your neighbors and fellow BCB members during this difficult time. If you would like to reach out to others and need contact information, please contact our office and we will do our best to provide information, as we have permission.

Again, we are working hard to continue the level of services that we have offered in the recent past and we appreciate your patience and support. Thank you!
